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May 22, 2006

David to Goliath: Booya!

We interrupt the usual cartoon broadcast with a 30 second David and Goliath story to inspire you.

On May 19th the worldwide release of The Da Vinci Code film was promoted in virtually every media outlet imaginable. It was an unprecedented media blitz.  As a result, sales of The Da Vinci Code book naturally went through the roof.

On the same day my friends and I launched a blitz of our own for my new book, The Great Formula.

The difference?

We had a zero-dollar ad budget and used only ultra-low-risk grassroots marketing.

The result? 

Here's snapshot from the Top Sellers list 12 hours after our launch:

We stayed up at #1 for 48 hours.  Without any extra promotion another of my books, The Irresistible Offer, jumped up to #7 overall as well.

Now look, whatever you think of Dan Brown's book, you have to respect his 50,000,000 sales. 

Did we beat that?

No, but a wee band of grass-roots marketers took him down on his big day.

It's a fleeting glimpse into "the possible."

If we did this with a zero-dollar ad budget, what else is possible?

Here is our traffic graph from Alexa ...

How did we do it?  Well, we simply followed the same advice in The Great Formula itself.  The same 3 step formula that has created virtually every fortune in history:

The Great Formula

Step 1.  Create "The Irresistible Offer"

Step 2.  Present it to a Thirsty Crowd

Step 3.  Sell Them a 2nd Glass

It's not rocket science even though a lot of businesses seem to make it so.

If you know any aspiring authors or Internet entrepreneurs, please forward this blog entry to them; because, they need to see real examples of "you too can do it."

Believe me, they are probably hearing a whole lot of something else - like "are you crazy!?"

They're not. This story may just save their sanity.


Posted by Mark Joyner at 03:34 PM | TrackBack

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