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May 10, 2006

Stuffed Shirt Sells Salvation

Finally!  Salvation is here and it is revealed in this cartoon:

click here to see cartoon

This slickster is using an "appeal to authority."  We tend to accept the words out of an alleged authority figure's mouth without question - even absurd statements like "you are broke because you haven't given me enough money."

By not immediately accepting what an "authority" figure says, we can prevent all kinds of suffering.

It's not easy, though.  Especially when we desperately want to believe the con-artist's message: "His website will make me rich ..."  "His magic pill will cure my pain ..."

Tomorrow I'll tell you a shocking true story about this without naming names.

You'll say, "No, that can't be true!"

It is.

Posted by Mark Joyner at 03:36 PM | TrackBack

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